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Internationalization and Organizations

To fill in the gap in theoretical and empirical aspects in the existing international management literature, the book covers a broad variety of issues relating to the challenges facing companies after the recent worldwide crises of financial, sanitary, and geopolitical nature. The book offers an overview of these challenges along three axes: the challenges related to the processes of adapting to the international environment, the challenges affecting the actors of internationalization, and finally the challenges related to the specifics of the international context.

The book aims to offer a comprehensive analysis of the theoretical and practical attributes related to the adaptation processes in international business, the cultural evolutions of actors, and the changes in the international environment. It also seeks to help managers and scholars alike to better understand the new challenges in diverse aspects pertaining to international management.

To cover these issues, the book addresses topics, which up till now have not been investigated in depth or have not been researched at all. It includes both theoretical and managerial viewpoints and various international examples.

Internationalization and Organizations

128,00 €Prix
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